Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What I've Learned So Far

What I've learned to do since I've started the Senior Project is the Circle of Fifths. The Circle of Fifths is a tool used in music to find out what scales and chords sound well together, as well as listing the notes in each scale. It's a very key thing for a musician to know the circle of fifths in order to tell the key signature (the amount of flat notes in a scale) of a song. It's also useful when composing and improvising. It's easier for me to find the key of a song now, and I am able to improvise very well. Improvising is something I believe that every musician should be able to do to some extent, so as a teacher, one of my lessons will be based around the Circle of Fifths and the ability to improvise on the spot. Identifying key is also very important, and it will be linked to what I learned from the circle.

Here is my proof (A youtube video):

The research that helped me do this was Ricci Adam's music theory website (
This site is full of lessons and tests that helped me memorize the circle of fifths, as well as learn about it's important role in music.

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