Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

Log of Hours:
  • I, Victor Tostado, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work. I have recorded a log of the hours I spent practicing a musical instrument. This log kept track of my practicing only when I was home.
  • I have two forms of evidence, I will bring in a signed, printed version of my log confirming my hours. I will also be performing in Mr. Ogden's music elective to show proof that I have been practicing.
  • Like any other musician who wants to teach music, I cannot stress enough that practice is the most crucial part of getting better at any instrument. So, I myself already practice loads of hours a month, as I play several instruments. This log signifies the hours I recorded in the month of January while practicing at my home, so it easily reaches the 30 hour mark as any musician can pour in much, much more practice in a month.
  • This independent component helps me answer my EQ because, a teacher must be able to push their students to practice well in order to better themselves. A teacher must also be able to practice constantly in order to effectively enforce this. "What is most important in teaching music" means that I have to understand what is most important in learning music itself, as a student. The most important thing a student can put into learning an instrument, is practice. At it's core, to teach is to relay that experience that the teacher went through while learning. So, if I experience the importance of practice, I can teach it effectively as well.

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